Enslaved by Ducks Cover
by Ducks

How One Man
Went from Head
of the Household
to Bottom of the
Pecking Order

Fowl Weather Cover
Fowl Weather
How Thirty-Nine Animals and a
Sock Monkey
Took Over My Life

Kitty Cornered Cover
Kitty Cornered
How Frannie
and Five Other Incorrigible Cats Seized Control of
My House and Made
It Their Home


Where to Buy Bob's Books

Occasionally people ask me where to buy my books. I usually suggest the local hardware store, but if they happened to have run out, you can try these online vendors that are best if you live in the US.

If there is an actual 'walk through the door' bookstore in your area, please make them your first choice.

Kitty Cornered Where to BuyNEW BOOK!

Barnes & Noble

Kindle e-book coming soon!
Nook e-book



Enslaved by Ducks Where to BuyAmazon.com
Barnes & Noble

Kindle e-book
Nook e-book

Fowl Weather Where to BuyAmazon.com
Barnes & Noble

Kindle e-book
Nook e-book

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The familiar green Enslaved by Ducks cover is going away and in its place an edgier cover to match the Kitty Cornered design is on the way!

new enslaved by ducks cover